Five tips that will help you be a better singer:
Be inspired:
Locate an artist with your voice
range that inspires you. You need good singers that can provoke you. Look around
you, there are a lot of people that can inspire you. It could be a singer you
know in you church or even for a foreign singer that the CDs are readily
available. Even in the midst of it, don’t settle for the less. Be provoked.
As for me I started with Marvin Sapp though
now I have variety of other good singers I rehearse with but I tell you I still
come back to Marvin over and over. The first time I heard marvin sang, I simply
said I could do that. Be provoked.
There are some things you have to
refrain from. Refrain from fibrous, oily foods and cold drinks that can affect
you vocal cord. And even if you must take
some of this food, it has to be with caution and drinking enough water (a
little warm is okay). This is to avoid fibers and oily food substance from
depositing on the voice cord.
Personal Rehearsals:
Practice singing every line of
the song you have been listening to. Sing every line the way the singer sang
it. Try not to add your own or even remove. Do it the way the person did it. Copy
and rehearse any attitude find in the song. You might need to lock yourself in
a place that can absorb you noise or go into the wood/bush like I did.
To boost the singing ability, I will
advice you should join a choir. This is not necessarily compulsory as not
everybody will be a chorister.
Find a Coach:
Identify a coach. Some may say
this is optional but it is better. It makes your learning faster. Find someone
that can take you by the hand. I recommend the singer who you find to inspire
you, if such is accessible.
Lastly, don’t ever give up. Consistency,
persistency and being insistent are keys to any success.
Hope this help?